Monday, October 11, 2010

Festivities. Food. Beer. More food.

Feelin the georgia font today.



Been a bit over a week since i last posted. i'll try to remember the major things but for the most part last week durring the week days was just school and nothing exciting really at all, as i can remember. There was a meeting with one of the teachers from coe traching in tokyo this year, he came to nagoya to meet with people at this school and met with all the coe people, we went out and talked and that was the highlight of the weekdays.

WEEKEND... so friday we celebrated a few peoples' birthdays at at place who's name i have now forgotten, if i ever even knew... we went there, and as always there are pictures after this block of text. Sooooo it was a big room we went with just over 40 people, a good mix of students from here and students from amurica. This place is an all you can all you can drink for a time that you pay for, what this translated into was pure chaos. So we were sitting there trying to figure out what was on the menu when 1 waitress came and took drink orderes for the whole room, i get a beer, but then i see them walk out with a HUGE beer and then find the katakan for pitcher on the menu and well you can guess what happens next, there were a few of those involved in the evenings festivities. then the food begun to come out, and there was a mad rush to grab things before it all got eaten. They bring out the food as it's done, there is no food for a person it comes out and it's first grab first serve. later it turned into stand at the door and yell the order at the watress who could no longer make it into the room. so this carried on for a while, lots of people having fun, quite a few with too much fun in them and it waqs delicious, can't say all of what i had tried but it was just every 2 minutes something new would come in and i'd grab one off of a plater and just eat it. it was a crazy fun chaotic party. had a great time

AFTERTHAT a small group of us went to the subway and went onto sakae station where there is a dance club people had gone to previously, 2 japanese students showed us the way and came with us for the night. the club was a lot of fun. then we came back all at pretty much different times and yes.

NEXTDAY (sat) not too much really. just a rainy day so sat around most of the day, slept in, and just hung out around here. that night a group of about 6 of us went to a ramen shop known for their spicy ramen (i think) but yes, the ramen we all got was spicy ramen with some pork, big cloves of garlic, leeks, and a lot and lot of spice. two people got the "american" bowl which was a bit milder, but it was delicious, then went to an open air (kinda) mall thing where there was an arcade and i played some DDR and talked to some japanese kids kindof who were waiting to play DDr as well, it was fun.

This day a group of the people from usa, china, taiwan, and korea went to a festival at a shinto shrine, it was a festival along the lines of a japanese heratage festial. but first we had a meal.... a feast i would rather call it at the house of a nice japanese family and there were a lot of cool japanese people there, all super nice people, all super impressed with my size and yeah (That summs up most japanese people really) so we ate, i had some shrimp, some takuyaki (octopus tenticles in a doughy ball with vegis inside, it was alright) and a few other things. there was a firefighter there who was coming in and talking to all of us and he was super nice, as was everyone, but two of the guys there wanted to arm wrestle me. i lost. i don't really arm wrestle, ever. and he's a firefighter >____> yeah. at the temple there were mock sword fights and guns being fired off in the back (just blanks) i am guessing to let the locals know that stuffs happening. ALSO a group of four japanese kids all wanted me to take their photo with them one at a time, picture below. then there were mochi balls thrown, it's the bread like thing that they beat with a hammer and stuff, youtube it, there's videos of how it's made, and i cought a big one wrapped in a cloth which was later explaned to me was really rare and super lucky, apparently 1 full year of luck. so yea! we came back and then i studied for my test, and now beging a short week leading into a field trip thurs day and friday to a farm hotel and a bath house, next post will follow that.


Coe people, (-abby, think she took the pic)

i met the power rangers.

 doug and dylan
 room pre-party....
 sitting around waititng for stuff to happen
 Festivities begin!
 party goin

 Shouji (i think i'm spelling it right)
 a group of us.
 a pic nate took of me...
 at the ramen shop
 adrian and dylan
 dylan and chase
 my ramen, soooo full of good.
 nate and zach
 me and chase
 zach and adrian

 Someone make sense of this, i can't
 house we ate at
 house is neat inside. there was an upstairs too.

 on the left plate is a takuyaki ball, then some tenpura potatoes in the middle and a korean thing on the right, don't remember the name.
 some tenpura shrimp and this egg thing in a cup.
 one of the people wanted to arm wrestle, but with his left, i lost pretty quick
 this is the firefighter guy, i put up a bit of a fight but lost in the end, as i said : i never arm wrestle.

 shrine and festival, can't explain these to well, so if no captions: you're on your own.

Turned around at the wrong moment, dude


Random guy wanted to take a picture with me. SO a group of four came up and wanted a picture, and i thought they were saying they wanted me to take their photo, but turns out they wanted turns taking a picture with me.... so this is one of them >____>

The bread throwing, there were guys on the right and left too, a bunch, and huge croud of people too shoving and catching stuff.

Videos at the ramen shop taken on my camera, camera man is nate.

Video of all of us at the shrine with some of the gunmen